The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Raising our children (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twelve :- Raising our children.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Raising our children (2)
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#2
People, after they are born as humans, whether they are a child or an adult, cannot observe who is a good person and who is a bad person because they are not clever (no common sense)
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Three :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (1)
Role Reversal
My husband had to become a househusband and look after our son whereas I became a breadwinner. My husband loves the family very much.As he felt so ashamed he did all the chores including washing clothes, cooking and minding our child. I felt nothing for him.
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Abortion (from another audience)
The sad story from a mother who aborted her child for 6-7 times.
Persuading People to Cast More Than 3,000 Buddha Images.
สามี-ภรรยา นักสร้างบารมี ผู้ที่ทุ่มเทสร้างบารมีอย่างเต็มที่ ทั้ง ทาน ศีล ภาวนา และบุญพิเศษต่างๆ กับคุณครูไม่ใหญ่ ...สร้างองค์พระ และบอกบุญสร้างองค์พระกว่าสามพันองค์ ...ในยามที่เศรษฐกิจของบ้านเมืองวิกฤต ในยุค IMF พวกเขายังทุ่มเทเงินก้อนสุดท้ายเพื่อสร้างบุญ นับเป็นคู่บุญ คู่บารมี ตัวอย่างที่ดีของโลก...
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Three :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect.
Which things do Buddhists do differently to those of other religions?
The Test Tube Baby
Her husband and she were married for 9 years but we still did not have a child. They went to see a doctor and had artificial fertilization twice but they failed. The doctor suggested them to utilize the test tube baby process. Which process of a soul’s birth occurred during the procedure of the test tube birth? Will the doctor and her accrue any sins (negative kamma) from destroying the fertilized ova and implanting only the perfect ovum?